Planning Toolkit

Are you looking to comment on a planning or Listed Building Consent application? Well informed independent opinion plays an important role in planning and we strongly encourage you to make sure local voices are heard!

Over the past 40 years, the Scottish Civic Trust and our affiliated local groups have taken an active interest in the quality of development across Scotland. Our Planning and Architecture Committee analyses and comments on planning and Listed Building submissions on a weekly basis, and meets quarterly to discuss strategic issues.

In 2023/4, our Planning and Architecture Committee has worked on a range of issues. We commented on 68 planning applications:

  • 36 gave further recommendations
  • 4 were objections
  • 25 were letters indicating we had no comments to make
  • 3 were letters requesting more information

Of these:

  • 9 were category A-listed
  • 44 were category B-listed
  • 6 were category C-listed

We are pleased to continue to make a positive impact on heritage and conservation issues in the Scottish built environment, particularly when local authorities do not always have the capacity for the level of in-depth assessment we feel is beneficial.

In recent years we have commented on the National Planning Framework 4 consultation, highlighting our concerns on how heritage and its links to the climate crisis were addressed in particular. More generally, we continue to pay close attention to new publications relating to climate, where we feel there may be a useful intersection with heritage.

We continue to develop our plans for an interactive planning platform that can be used by local civic groups for formulating and delivering their responses on planning and Listed Building Consent applications in their own area. This long-term project could be of significant use to those actively engaged in responding to planning matters, by providing a one-stop facility for comments and observations on Scottish applications. We hope to continue to progress this further in 2023 and into 2024.

For information on how to comment on a planning application, access our helpful planning toolkit. If you have a question that isn’t answered by this information, get in touch: or 0141 221 1466.